BCTF Dispute - Update and Vancouver Support Rally Sept 5

To demonstrate support for the BC Teachers’ Federation over the next few weeks, the BC Federation of Labour has launched a series of efforts to raise awareness of the dispute, the issues are at the heart of negotiations, and provide venues for people to show their support.

A series of solidarity rallies will be held around the province starting next week, ending with a major rally in Vancouver on Friday, September 5. The rally begins at 5:00pm outside Cabinet Offices at Canada Place. Please attend if you can - it's important to have a good show of support.

The BCFED has also launched a radio ad in support for BC’s teachers and their effort to negotiate a fair deal and better learning conditions for kids. The ad will run from August 27 to September 2 in key media markets around the province, including the Lower Mainland.

A new Insights West poll commissioned by BCFED shows that parents support BC’s teachers 2-to-1 in the current dispute with the BC Liberal Government, and agree with teachers on key issues at the heart of the ongoing negotiations. See more poll details here.