LFA Contractual Committees ~~ Other LFA Committees ~~ College Committees and LFA reps ~~ FPSE Standing Committees and LFA Reps
If you are interested in participating in the LFA or have questions about any committee, please reach out to any Board member or contact the LFA at [email protected].
LFA contractual committees:
- Educational Leave Committee
As per section 23 in the Collective Agreement, the ELC meets to review and make recommendations regarding educational leave applications.
LFA reps: The LFA VP and one additional faculty member appointed annually in Nov/Dec, from an area outside the Division(s) of that year's applicant(s).
Meetings: Annually in early January.
- Faculty Selection and Evaluation Committees
Faculty are selected and evaluated as per section 10 of the Collective agreement, which sets out the membership of Selection and Evaluation Committees; the CA also provides guidelines and criteria for evaluation in Appendices II and III. All voting members of the Committee are faculty members. The Committees are chaired by the Department Chair or Program Coordinator; other committee members include Department faculty, Division Chair, the non-voting Dean's delegate (usually a faculty member), and an LFA rep.LFA reps play a key role on these committees, which cannot function without them. And it’s important work - selecting and evaluating our peers is one of the most important things we do as faculty. As long as you have completed all your own evaluations, you are eligible to serve as an LFA rep. We provide training, and basic info can be found in the Guidelines for LFA reps on selection and evaluation committees.
LFA reps: Currently there are over 60 LFA reps, and we are always looking for more! If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to any Board member or contact the LFA at [email protected].
Meetings: year-round on an as-needed basis.
- Joint Labour Management Committee
As per section 27 of the Collective Agreement, the JLMC brings union and management representatives together to improve Langara's labour relations environment. Meets to problem-solve, to promote good relations between Management and the Union, and to correct conditions that may cause grievances and misunderstanding.
LFA members: The LFA President, VP and stewards.
Meetings: monthly except in summer
- Joint Committee on Continuing Studies
As per section 24 of the Collective Agreement, the JCCS brings union and management together to monitor and review the direction of CS courses, programs and activities.
Members: The Dean of Continuing Studies, two Academic Administrators, and three LFA members including a lead Division Chair. Has been co-chaired by the LFA VP and an Academic Dean.
LFA reps: Raged Anwar, Alison Curtis, Tess MacMillan.
Meetings: Once per semester and additionally as needed.
- Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee
See the Langara website for Terms of Reference and further information
LFA reps: Mark Smith (Co-Chair); alternates Kaitlin Lovering and Yuango Yang
Meetings: Monthly
- Joint Technology Committee
As per LOU #5 of the Collective Agreement, the JTC meets to canvas faculty about their technology needs and on the basis of their findings, to work to meet those needs over the coming year. The first annual online survey was carried out in fall 2017.
Members: The JTC is co-chaired by the LFA Vice President and the College VP responsible for IT, or delegate, and has equal numbers of LFA and College representatives.
Meets: As needed.
- Professional Development Support Fund (PDSF) Committee
As per section 23 of the Collective Agreement, the PDSF Committee disperses the Professional Development Support Fund in order to enable LFA members to engage in their own professional development activities. For more information about faculty PD funds, see Professional Development FAQs.
Members: The LFA Vice President (Chair), each Division Chair, and the Chairs of Counselling, Educational Technology, Library Services, and TCDC.
Meets: As needed.
- LFA Climate Action Committee
Reports to the LFA Board, terms of reference are in development.
Co-chairs: Bradley Hughes and Drew Egan
- LFA Contract Administration Committee
As per the Constitution and Bi-Laws, this Committee reports to the LFA Board on matters related to contract administration.
Members: The LFA Chief Steward (Chair), President, Vice President, and Stewards. The Chieft Steward is also the LFA rep on the FPSE Contract Administration Review Committee (CARC).
- LFA Contract Review and Bargaining Committee
As per the Constitution and Bi-Laws, this Committee reports to the LFA Board on matters related to contract review and bargaining.
Bargaining Team members for 2019/20 bargaining round: Darrell Kean, Scott McLean, Janet Douglas, Alison Curtis. Alison is also the LFA rep on the FPSE Bargaining Coordination Committee (BCC).
- LFA IT & Communications
Individuals who administer, maintain and/or contribute to the LFA website, Facebook page, Survey Monkey, Zoom and/or Google Workspace accounts.
Alison Curtis, Janet Douglas, Pauline Greaves-Aylward, Catherine Huth, Amy Kwan, Tanya Lewis, Joyce Wong, Kim Lam, Jennifer Weldon.
- LFA Temporary Faculty Committee (TFC)
TFC aims to provide a safe space where temporary faculty are able to share their concerns and both receive and provide each other with guidance, where possible. All members, including permanent faculty, are welcome to join TFC and lend their support, because precarious work is an equity issue that affects us all. The committee brings issues relevant to temporary faculty to the attention of the LFA Board, both on an ongoing basis and with a view to securing gains at bargaining. TFC organizes events and activities to raise awareness about the casualization of academic work, including CAUT Fair Employment Week in October.
Members: Niall Christie (Chair), Alison Curtis (Board liaison), plus regular and temporary faculty members. Niall is also the LFA rep to the FPSE NRFC.
College Committees and LFA reps
- College Policy Governance Committee
Provides guidance on developing and maintaining College policies. Membership includes on faculty member appointed by the LFA. See the College website for Terms of Reference and further information.
LFA rep: Pauline Greaves-Aylward
- Emeritus Committee
Once a year, reviews and recommends retiring or retired faculty and professional staff for Emeritus designation at the College (see past recipients here). The procedures document for policy B1007 – Emeritus/Emerita Designation provides more detail about the committee.
Members: The Langara College VP, Academic (Committee Chair); one Academic Dean; the Chair, Education Council; one LFA rep; one LCAA rep; one CUPE rep; and one Emeritus/Emerita rep.
Meets: Typically meets in March, between the nomination deadline of Feb 15 and the Committee's recommendation deadline of April 1.
- Facilities Space Advisory Committee (FACSAC)
Provides advice and input to the Senior Leadership Team on renovation proposals and space allocations and endeavours to increase awareness of space changes occurring at the College.
Members: Chaired by the Director, Facilities. As per the Langara Council meeting minutes of March 8, 2016, LFA and CUPE rep positions were added in 2016. See further membership details on the FACSAC Terms of Reference (revised Aug 19, 2020).
LFA rep: Colin Mills
Meets: As needed.
- Langara Council
An advisory body for the College President and a forum for discussion and open consultation between the President and representatives of the College community. See the College website for Terms of Reference and further information.
The LFA rep is LFA President, Pauline Greaves-Aylward.
FPSE Standing Committees and LFA reps
Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE) Standing Committees bring together representatives from its19 member locals to meet at least twice a year in Vancouver, normally in the fall and spring. They may also participate in the Spring Conference held every February and/or attend the FPSE AGM in May. For more information on Committee activities,see FPSE SC Reports from LFA reps.
- Bargaining Coordination Committee (BCC)
Actively monitors negotiations across the post-secondary education system and assists in coordinating bargaining.
LFA rep: Alison Curtis
- Climate Action Standing Committee (CASC)
LFA rep: Bradley Hughes
- Contract Administration Review Committee (CARC)
Brings Chief Stewards together to coordinate and learn how best to protect collective agreement rights.
LFA rep: Alison Curtis
- Decolonization, Reconciliation and Indigenization Standing Committee (DRISC)
"In a humble way, DRISC will provide guidance and support to the FPSE President, the Presidents’ Council, and FPSE membership. DRISC will respect the protocols of the territories in which each of our locals engage and will uplift, honour, and integrate diverse Indigenous ways of knowing and being."
LFA rep: Justin Wilson
- Disability Management & Rehabilitation Committee (DMRC)
Meets to discuss joint benefits trust plans of which most FPSE locals are members (but not VCC and Langara).
LFA rep: Tanya Lewis
- Education Policy Committee (EPC)
Monitors institutional and government policy and recent trends in advanced education, developing recommendations for advocacy.
LFA rep: pending
- Non-Regular Faculty Committee (NRFC)
Assists in developing and coordinating strategies to increase permanent employment and improve conditions for temporary faculty in the system.
LFA rep: Niall Christie
- Pension Advisory Committee (PAC)
Provides advice and information to the FPSE Presidents' Council and locals on pension-related issues.
LFA rep: Bryan Brequet
- Women and Gender Equity Committee (WGEC)
Works on strategies for increasing diversity and gender equality in our institutions and in our communities.
LFA rep: pending
- Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Committee (WHSEC)
Works to identify legal rights, issues and trends in the post-secondary sector, and to work with other labour organizations to improve workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety laws.
LFA rep: Valerie Lloyd